Professional Services

Hair Stylist

  • Hiring a professional hairstylist ensures great hair for your portraits

  • They have time-tested techniques and products to keep your style perfect

  • They can help you choose the perfect hairstyle

Makeup Artist

  • Makeup for photography is different from everyday makeup

  • Makeup artists use high-quality products and have experience for the best look

  • Natural-looking makeup is possible even if you're not used to wearing much

  • Check reviews and prior work of makeup artists before choosing one

Benefits of professional hair and makeup

  • Feel special and confident in front of the camera

  • One less thing to worry about on the day of your senior portraits

  • Celebrate your accomplishments and look your best

Senior portrait session with pArt of Jon Rockwood Portraits

  • Customized sessions for a great experience and lasting memories

  • Full-service photographer from consultation to fine art prints and products

  • Create a beautiful and lasting album of your senior portraits